-How long is a normal time for clothes to dry?
The typical dryer should dry a medium to large size load of laundry in fourty five minutes. If your dryer is taking longer than that or two cycles then you need to check your vent to see if it is clogged. If your vent system is not clogged you might have another issue like a inner part going out. If so, call us.
-How often should I clean the lint filter? ALWAYS clean your filter out with Every Single Load change. Lent can be a fire hazard!
-What type of vent should I have? Is the white vinyl tubing OK?
This is an important question! Building codes now require you to use only metal ducting. White vinyl ducting is out! The vinyl tends to collect lint which ends up being a fire hazard and the metal ducting seems to let the lent pass through the ducting more smoothly. NEVER use anything but metal ducting.
-Should I oil the motor or rollers? No.
You should never have to oil any inner parts of a clothes dryer. If you begin to hear squeaks or rubbing sounds then you should call us. We can walk you through what your problem may be.
-Is a gas dryer cheaper to run than an electric dryer?
Yes, on average it is cheaper to run a gas dryer versus an electric dryer. When purchasing your dryer ask the salesperson to show you their Energy Star ratings.
-Do dryer softener sheets hurt the dryer?
This is a tricky question. The sheet itself does not harm the dryer although the residue and chemicals within the sheet can gunk up your lint filter as well as some of the inner mechanisms. Try and clean your lint filter screen often. We do not recommend using dryer sheets in our own dryers or our customers. In our opinion the chemicals on the sheets can rust parts as well. So we do not personally endorse them. This is a call each individual must make. The main thing is to clean your lint filter OFTEN. Keep the air flowing at all times.
-Is it important for my dryer to be level?
It is imperative to level your appliances. If the appliance is not level over time the screws and inner parts can become out of line because they are made to work correctly and stay in alighnment with no jostling. If the appliance is not level they are more likely to be able to work themselves loose or cause other damage. Also, dryers' drums move at high rates of speed. So, this is imperative that a dryer be level. Unlevel dryers can cause damage to your flooring also! So be sure your dryers are level.
These are some great questions concerning dryers and good food for thought. If you have any other questions feel free to phone us 24 hours a day or post your question in our FORUMS on our main website www.archangelappliancerepair.com
Thanks and God bless!