Of course his answer was, "Well, they're easier to fix than people!" lol That's my Joe, the comedian... But, really, Its really a long story. So, he told me the long and short of it and then I thought well other folks might be interested as well. So here goes.
I wrote it in the tense of Joe telling me...paraphrased:
_____________________________________"I really wasn't much for schooling.... I never felt challenged enough. So I leaned towards the hands on jobs, or some folks call it blue collar. I've had a lot of jobs early on in life... as a teen I washed dishes in a restaurant, helped my father with his cows, even dug ditches at one job, painted homes and eventually I was working in heating and air conditioning and became allergic to some of the products in the fiberglass duct board. Now, I had made some negative choices early on and that had affected my life greatly. I could have gone on to college or whatever. I didn't have many options but I knew I was good at working with my hands and so I began to look for a job. Gene at Blue Ridge Appliance gave me a position and taught me from the ground up. I am very fond of him and thankful for all he taught me. Once I found something I was good at I figured I would stick with it. If something ain't broke, don't fix it I always say. Over the years I have gone from Blue Ridge to another company to Sears A&E. I found that I enjoyed the comraderie of the small company, the logistics of the larger company, the people pleasing of the small company, and the potential of the larger company... so here I am. I'm still doing what God has given me the brain, hands, and love of mystery solving but at the same time I get to mold the differing aspects of each company I worked for. If I didn't think it would offend some folks or encourage them too I would tell you more details about each company and what I learned but suffice to say that I think that with each position you hold in life you take something with you. You learn from whatever you do whether it be a job or whether it be just working on your own car. So, I told my wife you look back over life and see how God is instrumental in showing you your talents and what you are good at. He opened the door for me to work with Gene at Blue Ridge, gave me a mentor who is still a mentor, and slowly showed me all I needed to learn to get me to this point where I am truly working for Him now. You know, a job is a job, but a job isn't just a job until you let it be so. For me my job fixing appliances is a chance to meet and greet folks, get in their homes and be there if they need encouragement, and perhaps fulfill something more than just fixing their appliances especially sense meeting Jesus for real. And, I'm so thankful to all those who have taught and mentored me along the way and to those who gave me a chance. Being an owner of my own business allows me to make calls and give a hand where needed with the new insight I've been given and that is what fixing appliances really is. I also hope to give back and give chances to others who need to learn. We all go through a process kinda like a sick appliance."
So, after hearing all Joe had to say I came to the idea that Perhaps, just perhaps, he has ended up in the business of fixing people after all!!!....
now there's a thought.
Something to crunch on,
ArchAngel's Wife- Kimberly Webber Young
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