Friday, October 30, 2009

DIY Chang your Dryer Heating Element

This is a repost from July... We have had a surplus of this question lately so we thought to repost this for people to find now. ENJOY!
We had a question on our forums which asked how to change the heating element on a dryer. This is something I don't usually recommend folks doing themselves, but am going to post the DIY info here anyways. As always, read our disclaimer on DIY repairs. I wrote this as simple as I can and hope it is understandable. *Also, keep in mind this is a repair once you know that the heating element is your issue and not your thermostat, or the timer or temperature switch. Now this is why I don't suggest doing this yourself....I always recommend changing out each of these because when one goes they all tend to go and why open up your dryer and take time only to find out your have to do it all again, or have me come out all again. Easier to fix it all at once, but since the question was for just the element, here goes....Questions, give me a ring! 828-693-7905Food for thought,ArchAngel
ALWAYS unplug the unit before ever beginning a repair. I know, I know, basic. But, this is the way folks get fried! -You must first find the dryer heating element cabinet. Most are located in the back but a few are located in the front. If you didn't keep your owner's manual... then I suggest going to Sears website and looking at a diagram of your specific dryer. You can look at their parts/ model number page to do so. I detailed in a prior post how to do this, mainly you need your model number and if you are internet savvy this is an easy process. Their prices on parts is high, but the diagrams help if you don't have prior knowledge. This is the most important step though. YOU MUST look at a diagram because different dryers have different types of elements. You don't want to go in and take a part off you don't need to be taking off. I have gone to so many houses where folks have taken things apart and ended up not knowing how to get it back together! Funny for me, not for them!
First you have to determine if screws or clips are holding your compartment shut. Remove these and then you will see the heating element and wires. Use your needle nose pliers to slowly remove the element wires.
Next you might see a oblong can like shaped piece that might be covering your heating element. If so, lean it backwards taking off the hooks holding it in place.Detach the can shaped object that may cover the heating element. Tip the can backward to slip it off the hooks holding it in place. If you don't see this you have a dryer that has easier access.
Next you are gonna take out the screws holding your actual heating element. Go ahead and pull it out.
Replace it with your new heating element and return the screws in place. Make double sure it is secured in your dryer. If you took off a cover/ the oblong shaped piece, put the back as well too. And then you can reconnect the wires you took off in the first place. You now replace the cabinet cover.
Ok, now let's check your work! Turn your dryer on the cycle with no heat.... run outside and see if there is air coming out of your vent. Now, turn on a cycle with heat and do the same. You should see a difference in temp.
Last, I recommend breaking your new element in by running the dryer with no clothes for at least one cycle. Yes, this wastes electricity which we are not a huge fan of, but this takes off any oily residue that was on your element and will keep your clothes from smelling. Not good! Fresh clothes a Must!A last tip is this: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER use those little dryer sheets for softening!This is the absolute fastest way to slowly kill your dryer.... losing life and time it can perform for you.The dryer sheet chemicals slowly erode the components. These just aren't good at all. If you want to use softener opt for the liquid kinds. Just a little tip from me to you!DIY DISCLAIMER:You must be competent to carry out repairs, and must accept responsibility for your own and other people's safety.We use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained on our blog is correct and accurate.No representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information.We therefore cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in reliance on, any information appearing on this website, which is given free of charge and in good faith.If you need repair help please do not hesitate to call us. If you need DIY or Advice again, don't hesitate to call. We will not be held liable for your actions though. Keep this is mind. You are responsible for your own repair work.
Keywords: arden brevard fletcher flat rock asheville swannanoa lake lure weaverville mills spring hendersonville travelers rest fairview columbus candler saluda tryon gas logs washer dryer refrigerator freezer oven range microwave dishwasher vent hood icemaker stove major household appliances archangel appliance repair christian business

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Have you ever wanted to find a place where you can meet and get up with other local techs? To just pass the time with someone who understands the daily job and pressure you go through? Have you ever thought that it would be nice to be able to ask someone else what they think about a certain appliance or heating issue you need help with, but didn't feel comfortable asking at work? Did you ever think it would be cool to have a group of buddies, extended, not just coworkers who understand stuff? Do you wish you and your coworkers had a place to gather as well?

We want to make it known that on our main website, in the FORUMS section, at the bottom.... is a place where you can post and meet and greet!

We have found that there is a REAL NEED in our local area for Technicians in Service Fields to have a place to post and get together.

This is just for us!

We spend a great deal of time on our jobs... I remember when working for Sears A&E not having any spare time to talk to the other techs due to servicing 10 and 12 customers a day. So, this gives us a place to talk in a laid back, open atmosphere.

  • YES, you can use an anonymous name... of course I wouldn't post anything you don't want read by your boss anyway...

  • YES, we don't mind other appliance technicians or companies posting in this area.

  • NO, we don't want any of us slamming each others companies. This is a place for us to learn what we are each going through, maybe shoot out problems/ fixing appliances or heating issues, ect. that we can't figure out and need assistance, or talk business.

  • YES, we will be lurking and take care of spammers but we really don't think we will have a problem with this. This is a place for us to meet other people who serve others with their hands just like us. We can talk business or just guy stuff... yes lady techs you too!

So, go to our website, join on the forums page, simple email confirmation and post away. Lets meet and greet! It is good for people of similar occupations and interests to stand together.

Only technicians are allowed to post in this area. Other posts will be deleted. We also prefer that only technicians in the greater Western North Carolina area post. Thanks kindly,

One tech to another,


Website Updates...

We have added the blogs to our main website at . We will be forwarding posts from here to there to give people a more all inclusive site in one place. I still like the photo capabilities here better though.

We also have forums there you can join and post DIY Questions, Buying Questions, Local business information and local event information. All you have to do is register, which is fast easy and free and then post away. It does require email confirmation just like any other forum, but we never sell or misuse your information. There is a page with full color photos where you can learn how to find your model numbers necessary for ordering parts. Last there is an about us page with a short tidbit on how we got started and a few references.

Remember, on the forums there are sections for individual appliances. There is also a section for other technicians in the field or other similar fields to meet and greet. We would love to not only be a service company but a community oriented company. So enjoy reading our blogs on our home website as well as posting in forums. It is an easy way to get your questions answered without feeling pressured to make an appointment.
ArchAngel Appliance Team

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What made you choose to Repair Appliances?

Joe and I were talking about life in general and my recent post about work. I wanted to know why he chose to fix appliances as a job. Sometimes they really throw him for a doozy and I am so impressed by how he figures it all out. Me, now I would NEVER choose to do this for a job. So, I was really interested in finding out how it all happened that he ended up doing this.

Of course his answer was, "Well, they're easier to fix than people!" lol That's my Joe, the comedian... But, really, Its really a long story. So, he told me the long and short of it and then I thought well other folks might be interested as well. So here goes.

I wrote it in the tense of Joe telling me...paraphrased:

"I really wasn't much for schooling.... I never felt challenged enough. So I leaned towards the hands on jobs, or some folks call it blue collar. I've had a lot of jobs early on in life... as a teen I washed dishes in a restaurant, helped my father with his cows, even dug ditches at one job, painted homes and eventually I was working in heating and air conditioning and became allergic to some of the products in the fiberglass duct board. Now, I had made some negative choices early on and that had affected my life greatly. I could have gone on to college or whatever. I didn't have many options but I knew I was good at working with my hands and so I began to look for a job. Gene at Blue Ridge Appliance gave me a position and taught me from the ground up. I am very fond of him and thankful for all he taught me. Once I found something I was good at I figured I would stick with it. If something ain't broke, don't fix it I always say. Over the years I have gone from Blue Ridge to another company to Sears A&E. I found that I enjoyed the comraderie of the small company, the logistics of the larger company, the people pleasing of the small company, and the potential of the larger company... so here I am. I'm still doing what God has given me the brain, hands, and love of mystery solving but at the same time I get to mold the differing aspects of each company I worked for. If I didn't think it would offend some folks or encourage them too I would tell you more details about each company and what I learned but suffice to say that I think that with each position you hold in life you take something with you. You learn from whatever you do whether it be a job or whether it be just working on your own car. So, I told my wife you look back over life and see how God is instrumental in showing you your talents and what you are good at. He opened the door for me to work with Gene at Blue Ridge, gave me a mentor who is still a mentor, and slowly showed me all I needed to learn to get me to this point where I am truly working for Him now. You know, a job is a job, but a job isn't just a job until you let it be so. For me my job fixing appliances is a chance to meet and greet folks, get in their homes and be there if they need encouragement, and perhaps fulfill something more than just fixing their appliances especially sense meeting Jesus for real. And, I'm so thankful to all those who have taught and mentored me along the way and to those who gave me a chance. Being an owner of my own business allows me to make calls and give a hand where needed with the new insight I've been given and that is what fixing appliances really is. I also hope to give back and give chances to others who need to learn. We all go through a process kinda like a sick appliance."
So, after hearing all Joe had to say I came to the idea that Perhaps, just perhaps, he has ended up in the business of fixing people after all!!!....

now there's a thought.

Something to crunch on,

ArchAngel's Wife- Kimberly Webber Young

We Service Gas Logs

Now is the time to have your Gas Logs serviced. We can do this for you! We also install gas logs. Keep your appliances running smoothly and performing at their peak by such simple steps as having a service tuneup once yearly. An hour of your time allowing us to help you could save you big money.Call Today! We look forward to making your life smoother!
Food for thought,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coupons and More Information

On you will find an Awesome COUPON.

2 Appliances Repaired for the Price of 1. *At same location and on same visit. Parts extra. For a limited time.

Be sure to check out our main website for fabulous information!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clogged Dryer Vent?

Good morning folks!

How is your dryer lately? Is it working up to full performance? Do you end up with mounds and mounds of lent and dust upon checking your filter? Is it heating properly?

If not, perhaps your vent is clogged!

This week I went to a customer's home to find this problem.

Here is how to take care of it!

First, here is your chance to get your dust mask. You are gonna need it! Second, If you have an electric leaf blower, this is the ticket to peak performance in dryers. Simply plug it in and blast your lent repository with the leaf blower for about five minutes. Go outside and check your vent. You are sure to find mounds of lint! Pull it out. Don't be afraid to stick your fingers in and pull ALL of it out. I usually repeat this three times, Blowing and the Pulling from the outside. Next, make sure your vent hose is not pinches or tangled if you have no lint coming out. You can give it a good shake as well to make sure all the dust is coming through and out. You can buy dryer sticks and tools to clean your vent but I just haven't found it to be necessary unless you happen to have a large dryer vent such as one that goes from a first floor to second or attic. In this case you may need to go ahead and purchase the dryer vent cleaning tool. But, it could still be cheaper for you then having to call an appliance repairman. It is also good to have a friend or family member go outside and make sure there is a steady stream of air coming out of the vent. After doing the things above you should have a nice, clean, properly working vent.

It is important to keep your vent clean because of a fire hazard as well. So, try and do this at least twice yearly! Hope that helps you to maintain wonderfully lent free dryer vents! If you have any trouble just give me a ring. Stay cozy!!!

Food for thought,
