Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Can We Learn from Ants???

Reposted from Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Can We Learn from Ants???

One can learn so much from ants!

Together with some Science Channel quotes I'm going to analyze what we can learn from ants... I love learning from God's creatures....

Ants are Hard Workers!

"Ants are incredibly strong compared to humans, and can not only lift, but carry loads up to fifty times their own weight. They will frequently pick up another ant from their colony and give them a ride in their mandibles; an ant is an easy burden compared to some of the large caterpillars and other dead insects they have to bring home."

So, I suppose we should all consider how we can help and lift others as well! Ants are so industrious and hardworking!

Ants are Healthy!

"Although ants normally eat a bland, repetitive diet, they will go to great lengths to obtain special foods they crave. This not only includes raiding your pantry for sugary snacks, but also "milking" insects that secrete tasty fluids the ants enjoy (like aphids, beetles, even some caterpillars)."

Hmmmm... yep I was a lot skinnier when I ate a repetitious diet and only splurged once in a while! ;)

Ants are Herders!

"If you think humans are the only ones capable of having dairy farms, think again. Ants have herds of cattle too, but instead of cows and goats they herd scale insects, mealy bugs, and their favorites here in the Northeastern U.S., aphids. They not only milk their cattle(by means of a complex routine of stroking and patting) but they also protect them from predators, move them from plant to plant, and even create structures to keep them in."

Wow.... so ants actually herd and cultivate their food. Amazing!

Fight till Death!

"Ferocity Ants are famous for being dogged fighters who will keep on battling even as they are literally being torn limb from limb. It's not uncommon to see an ant emerge from combat with the decapitated heads of enemy ants attached to her, jaws locked in a death grip. But this anecdote, from no less an historical figure than the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, tops them all. According to him, if you cut a living Bulldog ant in half, the two sections (one armed with mandibles, the other with a stinger) will fight against each other!"

Thank God He has given us a conscience and the choice to continue a fight or pick our fights... I can't imagine 'being programmed' to fight till death! And one can really think about how often and how many times we do fight in ourselves against ourselves.

Ants as Pest Killers

"Ironic, seeing as ants are often considered pests themselves. Nonetheless, they are very important in keeping down the populations of other more destructive insects like termites, crop eating caterpillars and beetles, etc. Throughout the world, ants have been collected and encouraged to live in and protect orchards. A single colony of Wood ants will destroy 50,000 - 100,000 insects every day, so they have a large impact on the forests where they live. "

Now I had no idea that ants were kept in some places to keep away other pests!!! This is a real thought... perhaps we are on the wrong track with pesticides. What to learn from this tidbit? There is a place for us all, a role, a job. We each have a role no matter our talents or personality God has given us! Even the child who has been born with no bodily functioning has a role and fulfills some aspect or need that God deems so. Perhaps they fulfill someones need to love something.... so yes, we all have a purpose.

"After reading all the other items on this list, consider that the time spent by ants in their nests is in total darkness. That means they raise their crops, herd their cattle, raise their young, all without using their vision. They even tunnel out their often huge nests without so much as a flashlight, and have to coordinate their efforts with other workers through touch, as they lack speech also."

Now this as a mother is simply amazing. I can't imagine not having my eyes to perform the daily necessities that are required in attending to children! And, to have no speech as well! Simply double amazing!

So let me get this straight.... Ants are Highly Industrious, Healthy Herders whom often fight till death, each having a role and often provide humans in ridding of other pests, live completely in the dark and with no speech somehow adequately live a detailed and organized life communicating with other ants and providing for each and everyone's needs.

Perhaps we humans should be more like ants????

Food for thought-

ArchAngel's Wife

Quotes found here for further information:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Properly "Green" Clean Oven "Chemistry Class"

Repost from Thursday, December 31, 2009

Properly "Green" Clean Oven "Chemistry Class"
I get a lot of customers whom want to know how to clean their ovens properly and green friendly as well. Not all homeowners have self cleaning ovens and so here are my tips. You can purchase unfriendly cleaners at the store, meaning "not green" or you can try this Green Friendly tip below... So join my Chemistry Class!

You know how you find that yucky burned material on the sides and walls of your oven? Do you ever wonder what exactly it is, besides burnt food? Well much of it consists of carbon. Yep. You are now officially in Chemistry Class! Hehe So here is how you fight the carbon:

Baking soda is amazing at fighting carbon. I like to use a spray bottle with some baking soda and water to clean my oven. Now if you make the mixture too thick it can clog the spray bottle parts but you can also just use a simple rag with some soda and water on it. If you do choose to make a spray bottle mixture be sure and mix it well by shaking first before using. With you oven cold... contrary to those cleaners you buy at the store... with a cold oven use your baking soda mixture and spray the gunk. I like to do this once a day. Go ahead and keep on cooking as usual. No worries! The baking soda will slowly break down all that carbon and burned food gunk. And, baking soda is safe in case any gets in your food. In the end you will end up with a light powder which you can wipe off the floor of your oven easily. The key here is to apply the baking soda over and over and never scrub the oven itself until you see the powder on the floor of the oven ready to be wiped off.
So to conclude on Chemistry lesson: sodium bicarbonate which is baking soda eats carbon! YAH! Using this simple technique will yield you a green friendly and clean oven, in theory, given that you apply the baking soda water mixture often.

Note that the baking soda won't work unless you also add in the water, or H2O. This is the activating ingredient, so always apply wet baking soda.

Hope that helps all you folks with nasty ovens and I hope you enjoyed today's little chemistry lesson too!

Food for thought,


Monday, December 26, 2011

Recycling Appliances

Recycling Appliances

Here at ArchAngel we believe its important to recycle appliances.  We NEVER want to see appliances going into landfills.  How do you recycle appliances?  Well, first you can call us and we will pick them up for FREE in Henderson, Polk, or Transylvania counties or with a $10 charge in Buncombe county.  After that we see to it that if they are in working order they are placed with a needy family.  If they are not in a good working order then we take off the parts that are salveable and can reuse them for customers who can't afford full price parts or we can sell them.  Last, we make sure all the metal is recycled at a local metal yard.  This process saves thousands of metal yearly from being improperly disposed of and hurting our environment.  To recycle your appliance today just give us a call!  Thanks!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Blue!

It ain't easy being green..... well, not really but here at ArchAngel we aren't green anymore! Nope, we are BLUE!  We have changed our color scheme for several reasons but all you need to worry with is remembering its still us just a little different.  We are also implementing some new services which will be coming on board very soon so be on the lookout soon for news announcements about those. We look forward to working for you, as ever, only BETTER!!!!!
So, look for our new blue truck signs, logos, marketing around town and on the net!

The ArchAngel Team