Thursday, February 2, 2012


We are rolling out a new format for parts pricing.  We have decided to charge only the wholesale cost to our customer for parts, plus tax.  This will make our service MUCH more affordable and we believe will give our customers a leg up in this economy.  Therefore we will ONLY be making money on our labor charge which is a flat rate.  Please help us spread the word on our new Wholesale Parts Pricing!  Thank you and we look forward to working with and FOR YOU!
ArchAngel Team


  1. Wow!!! that's really great work you are doing guys!!!

    I would like to ask you guys that how can i get your pricing list of parts????
    and how can i contact you???

    Ac Repair in reston va
    are providing a very simple online method.

    I would like to know yours

  2. Dear Able Appliance or AC Repair in Reston VA
    We DO NOT SALE parts to individuals.
    We only sell the parts at cost to our customers who we actually do repairs for. I hope that helps with any confusions. So we could not sell to you and you know if you purchase from suppliers in our area and are an appliance repair supplier they sell parts to you at cost also.
    Blessings and our number is on our main website and here on the logo.
    Joe E Young


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